Our Two Centers

Bright Minds Center
in Phnom Penh
In Phnom Penh, Marie and Harley Lippman sponsor a center for underprivileged children ages five - eighteen years old, where some of the children are orphaned or have only one family member. The children live at the center but go to lower, middle, and high school in the village school. They receive supplemental English and Computer classes alongside their primary education. After they complete high school, Bright Minds supports them by funding their college education to achieve their desired career.

A Two Decades Long Story
Marie and Harley Lippman began supporting Cambodian orphans in 2004, and have involved their children Nina, Juliet and Adam Lippman through teaching the children English, raising money and supporting the center's marketing efforts.

The Bright Minds Center
Over the years, the orphanage grew and became an official NGO under the name Bright Minds recognized by the Cambodian Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Social Affairs Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation by MOU. In addition, Bright Minds is in collaboration with Global Children, a non-profit that houses several Bright Minds college students per year.
The Graduates
The Lippman Family is proud to have financially supported 21 students throughout their studies, and are currently supporting 7 students who are in college.

Association of
Cambodia Child First
Center in Siem Reap
Through Bright Minds, Marie and Harley Lippman are the sole supporters of The Association of Cambodia Child first (ACCF) in Siem Reap. Started by one of Bright Minds former students and her husband, Yat Yem, ACCF’s goal is to offer supplementary education to children in Siem Reap so that the children of Siem Reap have a better chance of earning an income in the thriving Siem Reap tourism industry and beyond. ACCF has over 5 full-time teachers and serves over 500 children per month. The Siem Reap project offers weekly events such as communal meals, educational classes in English and Chinese, and general support for local needs.

English & Chinese Classes
At ACCF, the students take supplementary after-school language classes in English and Chinese, as these two languages are the most prevalent in Cambodia (outside of the native Khmer language), and can hopefully give the students a leg up by exposing them to these skills.

The Students
The students who attend the supplemental classes and communal meals come from poverty. By exposing them to a second and/or third language, they have a better chance at learning skills which can help break the cycle of poverty.

The Food Program
Providing the young students with weekly, sometimes bi-weekly meals, ensures that these children get the proper nutrients needed to grow into healthy adults.